
Jie Guo

Dr. Jie Guo is an associate researcher in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Nanjing University. He received his PhD from Nanjing University in 2013. His current research interest is mainly in computer graphics, virtual reality and 3D vision. He has over 70 publications in internationally leading conferences (SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IEEE VR, etc.) and journals (ACM ToG, IEEE TVCG, IEEE TIP, etc.). He has developed several applications on illumination prediction, material prediction and real-time rendering, which have been widely used in industry and achieved good economic and social benefits. He is the recipient of JSCS Youth Science and Technology Award, JSIE Excellent Young Engineer Award, Huawei Spark Award, 4D ShoeTech Young Scholar Award and Lu Zengyong CAD&CG High-Tech Award.

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