
Yue Li

I am a Mountain-Climbing Associate Professor at Nanjing University. Prior to that I was a postdoc working at Aarhus University, Denmark (2017-2019), and University of New South Wales, Australia (UNSW Sydney) (2016-2017). I received my PhD degree in Computer Science from UNSW Sydney in 2016. My research interests are programming languages and static program analysis. My research papers are often published at major conferences and journals of programming languages and software engineering, including TOPLAS, PLDI, OOPSLA, ECOOP, TOSEM, FSE and ISSTA, etc. I have received a distinguished paper award at ECOOP 2016, a best paper award at CGO 2013, and a best paper nominee at ISSRE 2017. I have served as the PC of APLAS and ISSTA, etc., and as the reviewer for TOPLAS, TOSEM and POPL, etc.