
Fangmin Song

Professor Song Fangmin, born in Nov.1961, was graduated from Nanjing University in February,1982,received B.Sc. degree in 1982, M.Sc. degree in 1985 and Ph.D. degree in 1988. During 1993 and 1994, he visited ETH, Switzerland and CTH, Sweden as a post-doctoral researcher. His resent research interests include Mathematical Logic, Formal Models of Programming and Quantum Computer. He was engaged in research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation , the National 863 Hi-Tech Program and Programme Sino-Français de Recherches Avancées(PRA), and published over 40 papers. He was awarded the Prize of Progress in Science and Technology by the Ministry of Education. He was honoured with the title “The Excellent Scientists of Jiangsu Province” .

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