Chang Xu received his Ph.D. degree from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2008. Since Sep 2010, he joined Nanjing University, as an associate professor with the State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology and Department of Computer Science and Technology, and was promoted to full professor in 2015. He was selected into the New Century Excellent Talents in University by the Ministry of Education in 2010, received the Second-class National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2011, was selected into the CVIC SE Talents in 2012, received the CCF Youth Scientist Award in 2015, and selected into the Yangtze River Scholars by the Ministry of Education in 2021. His research interests include big data software engineering, intelligent software testing and analysis, and adaptive and autonomous software systems. He has published over 170 high-quality papers. His work has been reported by publications at flagship international journals and conferences, which include TOSEM, TSE, ESEC/FSE, ICSE, and ASE. He received four ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards (ICSE 2014, ASE 2018, and ICSE 2021 twice), two Best Paper Awards (APSEC 2014, and ICSE 2021 ACM Europe Council), and one Best Paper Award Nomination (ISSRE 2022). He organized MIDDLEWARE 2013 Doctoral Symposium, FSE 2014 SEES Symposium, COMPSAC 2017 SETA Symposium, and INTERNETWARE 2018. He served the ESEC/FSE, ICSE, and ASE program committees, and on the editorial boards for JSEP, JCST, and FCS. He also served for the 101-project course improvement led by the Ministry of Education.