
Qizhi Liu

Qizhi LIU is a Professor in Computer Science at Nanjing University, China. She received her Ph.D. degree in computer science from Wuhan University, China, in 2001. She is a Senior Member of the CCF (China Computer Federation) and Executive Member of the Technical Committee on Databases. She served as the PC member of conferences such as NDBC, WAIM, BDMS, etc. Her research interests include data storage management, data cleaning, spatial data processing, etc. She published more than a dozen papers in journals/conferences, and holds several patents, authored the books Basics of Programming with C (2018), “Practical tutorials for database systems (2006)”, etc. Qizhi was the My Favorite Teacher of Nanjing University, and received various teaching scholarships/honors. Qizhi LIU's URL is at //hgtyapp.net/liuqizhi/