
Xie Lei
Lei Xie xielei

PhD, Professor, PhD Supervisor
Department of Computer Science and Technology,
Nanjing University, China

Email: lxie#hgtyapp.net

Short Biography Research Publications Courses Professional Service
Professional Service

Academic Service

CCF Pervasive Computing Committee (CCF 普适计算专委会 秘书长)

CCF Internet of Things Committee (CCF 物联网专委会 常委)

JSCS Embedded System and Internet of Things Committee (江苏省计算机学会 嵌入式系统与物联网专委会 副主任)

Organising Committee

TPC Chair:

The 2023 IEEE International Conference on Metaverse (Metaverse 2023)

Pervasive Computing Conference (PCC 2020, 第十六届全国普适计算学术会议程序委员会主席)

2015 International Workshop on Big Data in Crowdsensing (IBDC 2015)

Associate Editor:

CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction

Track Chair:

IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2022)

The IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS 2021)

The "Energy Efficiency" track of the 3rd International Conference on the Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud 2015

Organizing Chair:

International conference on Algorithms, Systems, and Applications of Wireless Networks (WASA 2021)

Publicity Chair:

IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2021)

Technical Program Committee

IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2017, INFOCOM 2018, INFOCOM 2019, INFOCOM 2020, INFOCOM 2021, INFOCOM 2022, INFOCOM 2023)

International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2022, ICDCS 2023)

IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID 2011, RFID 2012, RFID 2013,RFID 2014,RFID 2015, RFID 2016, RFID 2017, RFID 2018, RFID 2019, RFID 2020)

ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2021)

The IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS 2020, MASS 2021, MASS 2022, MASS 2023)

International Conference on Commmunications (ICC 2019, ICC 2020)

International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Networking (Networking 2019, Networking 2020)

IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA 2015, RFID-TA 2016)

IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS 2010, NAS 2011, NAS 2012, NAS 2013, NAS 2014)

International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2016)

The Workshop on the Security of Wireless and Ad-Hoc Networks (SWAN 2010)

IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2013, UIC 2014)

International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AMI 2013) 

International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC 2015)