
Xie Lei
Lei Xie xielei

PhD, Professor, PhD Supervisor
Department of Computer Science and Technology,
Nanjing University, China

Email: lxie#hgtyapp.net

Short Biography Research Publications Courses Professional Service

Oct 2020. My advised master students Yuancan Lin, Xinran Lu, Yanling Bu and Jingyi Ning has won the First Prize in the Fifth National College Competition on Computers-Networking Technology Challenge for the project "DropMonitor: an RFID-based Drip Rate Monitoring System". Congratulations!

祝贺课题组博士/硕士研究生林元灿、鲁欣然、卜艳玲、宁静仪 (指导教师:谢磊、陆桑璐)的参赛作品“DropMonitor:基于RFID的输液滴速监测系统在第五届中国高校计算机大赛-网络技术挑战赛脱颖而出,荣获全国一等奖!


Dec 2019. Our Ph.D. student Chuyu Wang has won the "2019 ACM Nanjing Chapter Doctorial Dissertation Award" and "2019 ACM China Doctorial Dissertation Award Nomination" for his Ph. D. thesis "Research on Cross-Domain Sensing based on RFID Tag Array". Congratulations!


June 2019. My master student Keyan Zhang has won the "2019 Excellent Master Thesis in Compuster Science Department of Nanjing University" for their master thesis "Research on Cross-Domain Batteryless Sensing Scheme based on RFID Linear Polarized Antenna". Congratulations!


Dec 2018. Our Ph.D. student Yafeng Yin has won the "2019 ACM Nanjing Chapter Doctorial Dissertation Award" for her Ph. D. thesis "Research on Activity Sensing and Recognition via Mobile Devices". Congratulations!


June 2018. My master student Yanling Bui and Bingbing He have won the "2018 Excellent Master Thesis in Compuster Science Department of Nanjing University" for their master thesis "Research on Human Activity Sensing based on Inertial Sensors". Congratulations!


May 2018. My advised PhD student Chuyu Wang and Master Student Yanling Bu have won the "Best-in Session Presentation Award" in INFOCOM 2018, respectively. Congratulations!

祝贺课题组博士研究生王楚豫和硕士研究生卜艳玲分别获得CCF A类一流国际会议INFOCOM 2018的最佳演讲奖!

June 2017. My master student Qingliang Cai has won the "2017 Excellent Master Thesis in Compuster Science Department of Nanjing University" for his master thesis "Research on Human Activity Sensing based on Inertial Sensors". Congratulations!



May 2017. My advised master students Bingbing He, Keyan Zhang, and Yijia Lu has won the Grand Prize in the Fourth National College Competition on Internet of Things for the project "RF-iCare: an RFID-based Water Level Monitoring System". Congratulations!

祝贺课题组博士/硕士研究生何兵兵、张柯岩、陆逸嘉的研究项目“RF-iCare: 基于RFID技术的输液监测系统”荣 获第四届全国高校物联网应用创新大赛-全国总决赛特等奖!

April 2017. Nanjing City Channel: “Nanjing Zero Distance” reported our research project "RFID-based Water Level Morniting". [Video]



Oct 2016. My advised PhD/master students receive 4 prestigious scholarships. Chuyu Wang receives National Scholarship for Graduate Students (30,000 RMB); Yafeng Yin receives First-class Scholarship for Excellent Ph. D. Students; Qingliang Cai receives First-classScholarship for Excellent Master Students; Tao Xue receives Second-class Scholarship for Excellent Master Students. Congratulations to them!



July 2016. Our book " Principle, Protocol and System Design of RFID (2nd Edition)" is published in Science Press.




July 2016. My master student Jianqiang Sun has won the "2016 Excellent Master Thesis in Compuster Science Department of Nanjing University" for his master thesis "Research on Battery-free Sensing Scheme based on RFID". Congratulations!



May 2016. My advised PhD student Yafeng Yin has won the "Best-in Session Presentation Award" in INFOCOM 2016. Congratulations!

祝贺课题组博士研究生殷亚凤获得CCF A类一流国际会议INFOCOM 2016的最佳演讲奖!


Oct 2015. My advised PhD/master students Jianqiang Sun, Qingliang Cai, and Chuyu Wang has won the First Prize in the Second National College Competition on Internet of Things for the project "RF-Glove: An RFID-based Human-Computer Interaction System". They received the interview by CCTV and successfully showed the demostration in the award ceremony. Congratulations!

祝贺课题组博士/硕士研究生孙健强、蔡庆亮、王楚豫的研究项目“RF-Glove: 基于RFID的高精度隔空交互系统”荣 获第二届全国高校物联网应用创新大赛-全国总决赛一等奖!团队成员在赛后接受了央视CCTV的现场采访,并在颁奖仪式上作为唯一受邀团队进行系统现场演示 。央视CCTV2频道对该赛事和我们的成果进行了专题报道。


Oct 2015. My advised PhD/master students receive 4 prestigious scholarships. Yafeng Yin receives National Scholarship for Graduate Students (30,000 RMB); Yuanyuan Fan receives National Scholarship for Graduate Students (20,000 RMB); Chang Liu receives First-class Guanghua Scholarship (2,500 RMB); Jianqiang Sun receives Excellent Graduate Scholarship (1,000 RMB). Congratulations to Yafeng Yin, Yuanyuan Fan, Chang Liu, and Jianqiang Sun !

祝贺课题组4名博士/硕士研究生荣获奖学金:殷亚凤(博士生)获得研究生国家奖学金(30,000元), 樊苑苑(硕士生)获得研究生国家奖学金(20,000元),刘畅(硕士生)获得光华奖学金一等奖(2,500元), 孙健强(硕士生)获得研究生优秀奖学金(1,000元)。


July 2015. My advised Ph.D. student Yafeng Yin has been selected as a scholarship recipient of the "Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship". Congratulations!

祝贺课题组博士研究生殷亚凤获得谷歌Anita Borg计算机学科女性奖学金。


May 2015: My advised Ph.D. student Yafeng Yin has won the "President Special Scholarship for Doctoral Student" in Nanjing University. Congratulations!



April 2015: Our project "RF-Glove: An RFID-based Human-Computer Interaction System" has won the First Prize in the Second National College Competition on Internet of Things-East China Division, more details in the following link: //hgtyapp.net/news/showTopic.aspx?id=410

我们的研究项目“RF-Glove: 基于RFID的高精度隔空交互系统” 获第二届全国高校物联网应用创新大赛-华东赛区 最高奖一等奖。 //hgtyapp.net/news/showTopic.aspx?id=410


CCTV2 reported our research project "RF-Glove: Multi-Touch in the Air based on RFID". [Video]

中央电视台二套(CCTV2)在新闻时段对我们的“RF-Glove: 基于RFID的高精度隔空交互系统”进行了报导。

May 2014: Our monograph "Principle, Protocol and System Design of RFID" has been published by Science Press (ISBN 978-7-03-040017-8).

我们的专著《射频识别技术:原理、协议与系统设计》 作为科学出版社的“物联网工程专业系列教材”已经出版并发行(ISBN 978-7-03-040017-8)。


December 2013: Our paper on "Focus and Shoot: Efficient Identification over RFID Tags in the Specified Area" has received the Best Paper Award in the 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2013).

我们发表的论文 "Focus and Shoot: Efficient Identification over RFID Tags in the Specified Area"获得移动计算领域国际会议MobiQuitous 2013最佳论文奖


August 2013: Our group has won the National Grand Prize for the Third National Contest of Innovative Application Design



May 2013: Our iHome system has been reported by "Jiangsu Business" (江苏商报), the detailed information (in Chinese) is as follows for reference.



