
Xie Lei
Lei Xie xielei

PhD, Professor, PhD Supervisor
School of Computer Science,
Nanjing University, China

Email: lxie#hgtyapp.net

Short Biography Research Publications Courses Professional Service
Short Biography

I am a full professor of School of Computer Science in Nanjing University . My research work has mainly focused on Sensing Intelligence and Edge Intelligence(感知智能和边缘智能) in the area of smart power grids, smart healthcare, and industrial Internet of Things.

My current research work focuses on Multimodal Sensing (Computer Vision, Moire Vision, Acoustic Sensing, Wearable Sensing etc.), Wireless Sensing (mmWave, RFID, and Acoustic-based Sensing) and Edge Computing (Edge-Cloud Collaboration, Large Model- Small Model Collaboration, Sensing-Computing-Control Collaboration). Here briefly describes some research topic that I am currently interested in:

·  Multi-modal Sensing (Computer Vision, Moire Vision, Acoustic Sensing, Wearable Sensing etc.)

·  Wireless Sensing (mmWave, RFID, and Acoustic-based Sensing)

·  Edge Computing (Edge-Cloud Collaboration, Large Model- Small Model Collaboration, Sensing-Computing-Control Collaboration)


To potential students

I am recruiting well motivated and dedicated Ph.D. / master students to do research in above-mentioned areas. Undergraduate students are also encouraged to contact me, to work on related topics.

Award & Honor

Jiangsu Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award (2011) (江苏省优秀博士学位论文)

TPDS (IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems) Spotlight Paper (2011) (TPDS亮点论文)

Best Paper Award of MobiQuitous 2013 (2013) (国际会议MobiQuitous 2013最佳论文奖)

ACM Nanjing Rising Star Award (2015) (ACM南京分会新星奖)

Jiangsu Compter Federation Excellent Young Scientist Award (2016) (江苏省计算机学会青年科技奖)

First Prize of Jiangsu Science and Technology Award (2016) (江苏省科学技术一等奖)

Tang Zhongying Young Scholars (2017) (仲英青年学者)

Six talent peaks project in Jiangsu Province (2017) (江苏省六大人才高峰-创新人才团队)

May 4th Youth Medal in Nanjing University (2017)(南京大学五四青年奖章

INFOCOM Distinguished TPC Award (2018,2020,2021,2022,2023) (INFOCOM 程序委员会卓越委员奖)

First Prize of Jiangsu Science and Technology Award (2019) (江苏省科学技术一等奖)

Jiangsu Compter Federation Excellent Science Worker Award (2020) (江苏省计算机学会优秀科技工作者)

CCF Distinguished Membership (2021) (中国计算机学会杰出会员

CCF Distinguished Speaker (2021,2022,2023) (中国计算机学会杰出演讲者

Outstanding  Teacher Award of Computer Science in Universities (2021) (高校计算机专业优秀教师奖励计划)

Grand Prize of Jiangsu Province Education Achievement Award (2021) (江苏省教学成果奖特等奖)

First Prize of National Education Achievement Award (2022) (国家级教学成果奖一等奖)

Best Paper Award of Metaverse 2023 (2023) (国际会议Metaverse 2023最佳论文奖)

Second Prize of Jiangsu Science and Technology Award (2023) (江苏省科学技术二等奖)

Ten Scientific and Technological Advances in Jiangsu Province (2023) (江苏省行业领域十大科技进展-计算机领域唯一获奖)

Academic Service

CCF Pervasive Computing Committee (CCF 普适计算专委会 副主任(2024-至今)、秘书长(2020-2023))

CCF Internet of Things Committee (CCF 物联网专委会 常务委员(2020-至今))

JSCS Embedded System and Internet of Things Committee (江苏省计算机学会 嵌入式系统与物联网专委会 副主任)

Nanjing University-China Southern Power Grid Joint Laboratory of Industrial Internet (南京大学-南方电网深研院工业互联网联合实验室主任

Carrer & Education

University of Geottingen, Germany August 2015
Visiting Scholar in Computer Science Department

University of Pierre and Marie Curie (University of Paris VI), France Dec 2014
Visiting Scholar in Computer Science Laboratory

Nanjing University, Nanjing, China Dec 2012 till now
Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science and Technology

Nanjing University, Nanjing, China Aug 2010 till Dec 2012
Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science and Technology

Nanjing University, Nanjing, China Sept 2004 till Mar 2010
PhD Candidate in Computer Science and Technology
Research Supervisor: DaoXu Chen

College of William and Mary, US Sept 2008 till Sept 2009
Visiting Scholar in Department of Computer Science
Research Supervisor: Qun Li

IBM China Research Lab, Beijing, China Jan 2007 till Aug 2007
Visiting Student
Research Mentor: Jie Qiu

Nanjing University, Nanjing, China Sept 2000- July 2004
B.S. in Computer Science and Technology