Ph.D. Associate Professor
School of Artifical Intelligence
School of Computer and Electronic Information
Room 210, Mingli Building, No.1 Wenyuan Road
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 210023
yangwq AT
Hi, I am Wanqi. I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at Nanjing University in 2015. Currently, I am an Associate Professor in the School of Computer and Electronic Information at Nanjing Normal University.
In July and August 2014, I visited the Data Science Lab of the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), supervised by Prof. Longbing Cao. In June 2016, I visited the IDEA Lab of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) for three months.
Currently, I am broadly interested in machine learning, deep learning and pattern recognition.
In particular, the goal is to develop the machine learning-based algorithms for multimodal data analysis problems, e.g., multimodal educational data analysis. The difficulties in multimodal data analysis, e.g., heterogeneous data fusion, correlation and complementarity analysis, data missing or modality unpairedness, limited amount and insufficient labeling, bring in the considerable challenges. We wish to develop the effective and efficient methods about incomplete multi-view learning, multi-modal learning, cross-modal transfer and meta learning to tackle these challenges.
General Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Multi-modal meta learning with its application for heterogeneous multi-modal data (62076135)
Time Period: Jan. 2021 - Dec. 2024, Principle Investigator.
General Program, Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province
Incomplete Multi-View Data Representation and Learning for Various Cases of Information Missing (BK20171479)
Time Period: Jun. 2017 - Jun. 2020, Principle Investigator.
Young Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Incomplete Information-Oriented Multi-View Data Representation, Recovery and Learning (61603193)
Time Period: Jan. 2017 - Dec 2019, Principle Investigator.
Open Project Program, State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology (KFKT2016B16)
Time Period: Jun. 2016 - May. 2018, Principle Investigator.
General Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Multi-Modal Learning Under Multi-Correlated Constraints and Its Application Prospect in Brain Images Analysis (61876087)
Time Period: Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2022, Participant.
Class Distribution Alignment for Adversarial Domain Adaptation
Wanqi Yang, Tong Ling, Chengmei Yang, Lei Wang, Yinghuan Shi, Luping Zhou, Ming Yang
Few-shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Image-to-Class Sparse Similarity Encoding
Shengqi Huang, Wanqi Yang*, Lei Wang, Luping Zhou, Ming Yang
ACM Multimedia 2021, accepted
An Effective MR-Guided CT Network Training for Segmenting Prostate in CT Images
Wanqi Yang, Yinghuan Shi, Sang Hyun Park, Ming Yang, Yang Gao, Dinggang Shen
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI), 2020, 24(8): 2278-2291 [Link]
Incomplete Data-Oriented Multi-View Dimension Reduction via Sparse Low Rank Representation
Wanqi Yang, Yinghuan Shi, Yang Gao, Lei Wang, Ming Yang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 2018, 29(12): 6276-6291 [Link]
Online Multi-View Subspace Learning via Group Structure Analysis for Visual Object Tracking
Wanqi Yang, Yinghuan Shi, Yang Gao, Ming Yang
Distributed and Parallel Databases (DPD), 2018, 36(3): 485-509
MRM-Lasso: A Sparse Multi-View Feature Selection Method via Low-Rank Analysis
Wanqi Yang, Yang Gao, Yinghuan Shi, Longbing Cao
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 2015, 26(11): 2801-2815 [Link]
mPadal: A Joint Local-and-Global Multi-View Feature Selection Method for Activity Recognition
Wanqi Yang, Yang Gao, Longbing Cao, Ming Yang, Yinghuan Shi
Applied Intelligence (APIN), 2014, 41(3): 776-790.
TRASMIL: A Local Anomaly Detection Framework Based on Trajectory Segmentation and Multi-instance Learning
Wanqi Yang, Yang Gao, Longbing Cao
Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 2013, 117(10): 1273-1286.
Learning-based Computer-aided Prescription Model for Parkinson's Disease: A Data-driven Perspective
Yinghuan Shi, Wanqi Yang, Kim-Han Thung, Hao Wang, Yang Gao, Yang Pan, Li Zhang, Dinggang Shen
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI), 2020
SA-LuT-Nets: Learning Sample-adaptive Intensity Lookup Tables for Brain Tumor Segmentation
Biting Yu, Luping Zhou, Lei Wang, Wanqi Yang, Ming Yang, Pierrick Bourgeat, Jurgen Fripp
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI), 2021
A Novel Spectral-Spatial based Adaptive Minimum Spanning Forest for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Jing Lv, Huimin Zhang, Ming Yang, Wanqi Yang
GeoInformatica, 2020, 24(4): 827-848.
Heterogeneous Face Recognition by Margin Based Cross-Modality Metric Learning
Jing Huo, Yang Gao, Yinghuan Shi, Wanqi Yang, Hujun Yin
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TCYB), 2018, 48(6):1814-1826.
An end-to-end differential network learning method for semantic segmentation
Tai Hu, Ming Yang, Wanqi Yang, Aishi Li
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (JMLC), 2019, 10:1909-1924.
Spatial-Aware Hyperspectral Image Classification via Multifeature Kernel Dictionary Learning
Huimin Zhang, Ming Yang, Wanqi Yang, Jing Lv
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics (JDSA), 2018, 7: 115-129.
Learning Sample-Adaptive Intensity Lookup Table for Brain Tumor Segmentation
Biting Yu, Luping Zhou, Lei Wang, Wanqi Yang, Ming Yang, Pierrick Bourgeat, Jurgen Fripp
MICCAI, 2020
Feature Integration with Adaptive Importance Maps for Visual Tracking
Aishi Li, Ming Yang, Wanqi Yang
IJCAI, 2018
Deep Correlation Structure Preserved Label Space Embedding for Multi-label Classification
Kaixiang Wang, Ming Yang, Wanqi Yang
ACML, 2018
Deep Cross-view Label Embedding with Correlation and Structure Preserved for Multi-label Classification
Kaixiang Wang, Ming Yang, Wanqi Yang, Yilong Yin
ICTAI, 2018
Attributes Consistent Faces Generation under Arbitrary Poses
Fengyi Song, Jinhui Tang, Ming Yang, Weiling Cai, Wanqi Yang
ACCV, 2018
Does Manual Delineation Only Provide the Side Information in CT Prostate Segmentation?
Yinghuan Shi, Wanqi Yang, Yang Gao, Dinggang Shen
MICCAI, 2017
Ensemble of Sparse Cross-Modal Metrics for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
Jing Huo, Yang Gao, Yinghuan Shi, Wanqi Yang, Hujun Yin
ACM Multimedia, 2016
Interactive Image Segmentation via Cascaded Metric Learning
Wenbin Li, Yinghuan Shi, Wanqi Yang, Hao Wang, Yang Gao
ICIP, 2015
Prize of Jiangsu Science and Technology Award (2018) (4/7)
Member of Excellent Science and Technology Innovation Team of Universities in Jiangsu Province (2019)