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Welcome to Reasoning and Learning Research Group!

Directed by Professor Yang Gao, the Reasoning and Learning Research Team is affilicated to the State Key Laboratory of Novel Software Technology and the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University. The Group is located in the Xianlin Campus of Nanjing University. The research interests include reinforcement learning, multi-agent systems, medical AI, computer vision, big data analysis, etc.

Reinforcement Learning, Multi-agent system:transfer and deep reinforcement learning; multi-agent learning and coopration; game reduction, game equilibria computation.

Medical AI:deep learning; multi-view learning; subspace, metric learning; non independent identically distributed learning.

Computer Vision:deep learning; generative adversarial learning; transfer learning; few-shot learning.

Big data analysis:distributed machine learning; optimal learning; online learnin; doptimization theory.

If you are interested in our research directions, welcome to contact us.

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2021 07.24
Congratulations to Teacher Yinghuan Shi, Jing Huo, Dr.Zheng Gu, M.sc Shiyin Jin, Lihe Yang for having their three papers accepted by ICCV2021!
2020 07.03
Congratulations to M.sc Wen Ji for having her paper accepted by ECCV2020!
2020 05.23
Congratulations to Dr. Qian Yu for successfully passed the graduation oral defense!
2020 04.20
Congratulations to Teacher Wenbin Li, Dr.Pinzhuo Tian, Dr. Changbin Shao, M.sc Chuanqi Dong having their papers accepted by IJCAI2020!
2020 04.02
Prof. Gao Yang served as a member of the first artificial intelligence sub committee of the NITS Committee!
2020 03.20
Congratulations to Dr. Lei Qi, Dr. Xiaolong Qi, Dr. Fan Meng for successfully passed the graduation oral defense!
2019 11.29
Congratulations to Dr. Wenbin Li, Dr. Shangdong Yang for successfully passed the graduation oral defense!
2019 11.11
Congratulations to Dr. Pinzhuo Tian, Dr. Xiao Liu, M.sc Yong Liu for having their papers accepted by AAAI2020!
2019 10.21
Our group is rated as the excellent scientific and technological innovation team of universities in Jiangsu Province!
2019 09.10
Happy Teacher's Day to all the teachers in Reasoning and Learning Group!
2019 02.26
Congratulations to Dr. Wenbin Li for having his paper accepted by CVPR2019!
2019 07.23
Congratulations to Dr. Lei Qi for having his paper accepted by ICCV2019!
2018 11.09
Congratulations to Teacher Jing Huo for winning the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award of Jiangsu Computer Society!
2018 11.01
Congratulations to Dr. Wenbin Li for having his paper accepted by AAAI2019!
2018 05.25
Congratulations to professor Yang Gao for being selected as the first batch of experts of the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Institute think tank!
2018 01.19
Congratulations to professor Yinghuan Shi for the 2017 Youth Technology award of JIANGSU COMPUTER SOCIETY!
2017 10.16
Professor Yang Gao attends the Jiangsu Science And Technology Forum And Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference 2017!
2017 09.30
Congratulations to the RL group for the second prize in the natural science award of Chinese artificial intelligence about Wu Wenjun!
2017 09.18
Congratulations to TingTing Zhai for attending the ECML PKDD 2017 in SKOPJE, Macedonia!
2017 09.15
Congratulations to Prof. Yinghuan Shi for getting the 2017 annual star award in NanJing branch of ACM!
2017 09.12
Congratulations to teacher HaoWang for attending the 43rd International Conference on Very Large Data Baces!
2016 09.11
Congratulations on Ms. Huihui Wang for having her paper accepted by ICDM2016!
2016 07.20
Mr. Jinhua Song is going to take a three-month visit to Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
2016 07.20
Ms. Tingting Zhai, supported by the Erasmus+ Programme, is going to visit Artois University.
2016 06.23
Welcome Dr. Paul Weng of SYSU-CMU Joint Institute of Engineering to visit our Group and give a talk.
2016 06.22
Congratulations on Ms. Jing Huo for have her paper accepted by ACM MM (CCF-A conference)!
2016 06.15
Congratulations on Mr. Jianfeng Fan and Ms. Yuanyuan Zhang for successfully defending their Master's theses!
2016 06.01
Mr. Kelei He, supported by CSC, is going to pay a one-year visit to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
2016 05.23
Welcome Prof. Longbing Cao of the University of Technology in Sydney to visit our Group and give a talk!
2016 04.01
Congratulations on Ms. Huihui Wang for having her paper accepted by TCYB (CCF-B journal)!
2016 01.25
Congratulations on Mr. Jinhua Song for having his paper accepted by AAMAS2016 (CCF-B conference)!
2015 12.01
Congratulations on Mr. Shangdong Yang for having his paper accepted by AAAI2016 (CCF-A conference)!
2015 07.15
Welcome new students to our Group!
2015 07.07
Welcome Prof. Hujun Yin of the University of Manchester to visit our Group and give a talk!
2015 05.29
Congratulations on Dr. Hao Wang for being funded by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province!
2015 05.22
Dr. Yinghuan Shi is invited to give a talk on MICS2015 held in Shandong University.
2015 05.09
Ms. Jing Huo, supported by CSC, is going to pay a one-year visit to the University of Manchester, UK.
2015 04.18
Congratulations on Mr. Wenbin Li for having his paper accepted by ICIP2015!

Group director