
R&L Group

Nanjing University


The WebCaricature database is a large photograph-caricature dataset consisting of 6042 caricatures and 5974 photographs from 252 persons collected from the web. For each image in the dataset, 17 labeled facial landmarks are provided. As all the caricature images are collected from the web, the caricatures are of various artistic styles. Besides, the illumination conditions, pose, expressions, occlusions and age gap are not controlled for both the caricature and photo modalities.

We have provided four experimental settings, that are, restricted and unrestricted caricature verification, caricature to photo and photo to caricature identification. This offers a way for equal comparison of future works. Baseline performance under the four experimental settings is also provided.

Examples of Photographs and Caricatures

The first column are photos and the next six columns are corresponding caricatures. The caricatures are of various artistic styles. There is a large intra-personal variations of caricatures.

photo caricature caricature caricature caricature caricature caricature
photo caricature caricature caricature caricature caricature caricature
photo caricature caricature caricature caricature caricature caricature
photo caricature caricature caricature caricature caricature caricature
photo caricature caricature caricature caricature caricature caricature


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