
There is no finish line!(永无止境) & Victory belongs to the most tenacious (胜利属于最顽强的人)

Guanghui Zhu

Assistant Professor

PASA Lab for Big Data
School of Computer Science
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology
Nanjing University

Email: zgh [at] hgtyapp.net, victory_zgh [at] 163.com
Office: Room 313, Computer Science Building, Xianlin Campus of Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China

Short Biography

I am currently a Tenure-track Assistant Professor of the School of Computer Science at Nanjing University. I received my Ph.D. degree from Nanjing University in 2020, supervised by Prof. Yihua Huang. I worked in the 28th Research Institute of CETC from 2012 to 2015. He has been selected as an outstanding doctor of Jiangsu Computer Society, Jiangsu Province "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Doctor" program, Huawei "Spark Award", and Ministry of Education-Huawei "Intelligent Center" Pioneer Teacher, Executive Member of CCF Expert Committee on Big Data, Executive Member of CCF Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence & Pattern Recognition, Secretary-General of the Jiangsu Computer Society Big Data Committee, CCF YOCSEF Nanjing Vice-Chairman,《BDMA》Youth Editorial Board. His research interests include big data and intelligent computing, automated machine learning, and graph machine learning. He has published more than 30 papers in leading conferences/journals, such as NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, ACM SIGKDD, IEEE ICDE, ACM SIGIR, ICDM, CIKM, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TPDS, Machine Learning Journal, JPDC, and Chinese Journal of Computers. He has served as a reviewer for many conferences/journals such as NeurIPS, KDD, SIGIR, AAAI, TPDS, TKDE, TNNLS, etc. He has presided over many projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, Sub-project of the Key Research and Development Program of Jiangsu Province, Open Research Projects of Zhejiang Lab, CAAI Academic Foundation, University-Industry Cooperation and Collaborative Education Project, and the Cooperation Projects of Enterprises. He has published one core book "Introduction to Computer Systems" under the "101 Program". He has won 9 international awards in AutoML competitions organized by top international AI conferences such as NeurIPS and KDD, and won the gold award of 5th China International College Students' "Internet+" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. The related technology has been applied in Huawei, Qihoo 360, CETC, and other IT enterprises.

Bio in Chinese (中文简介): 博士,皇冠体育app-皇冠体育博彩 特聘研究员、准聘助理教授,江苏省计算机学会优博,江苏省“双创博士”,华为“难题揭榜火花奖”获得者,英特尔中国学术英才计划荣誉学者,教育部-华为“智能基座”先锋教师,教育部-华为“智能基座”产教融合协同育人基地优秀课件奖励计划获得者,担任CCF大数据专家委员会执行委员,CCF人工智能与模式识别专委会执行委员,中国指控学会大模型与决策智能专委会委员,江苏省计算机学会大数据专委会秘书长,CCF YOCSEF南京副主席,《大数据挖掘与分析(英文)》BDMA青年编委,曾在中电科28所工作3年,研究方向为大数据与智能计算,包括大数据自动化机器学习、图机器学习、大模型微调与推理系统优化等,已在NeurIPS、ICLR、ACM SIGKDD、IEEE ICDE、ACM SIGIR、ICDM、CIKM、IEEE TKDE、IEEE TNNLS、IEEE TPDS、Machine Learning Journal、JPDC及计算机学报、软件学报等国内外一流会议/期刊发表论文30余篇,多次担任NeurIPS、ICML、ICLR、KDD、SIGIR、AAAI、TPDS、TKDE、TNNLS等国内外会议/期刊审稿人,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省自然科学基金项目、江苏省科技厅重点研发计划课题、之江实验室开放课题、人工智能学会学术基金、教育部产学合作协同育人项目以及企业横向合作项目多项,作为核心成员参与多项国家自然科学基金重点项目、科技创新2030-“新一代人工智能”重大项目、江苏省科技厅重点研发计划等,出版“101计划”核心教材《计算机系统:基于x86+Linux平台》1本。AutoML自动化机器学习领域的研究成果已在NeurIPS、KDD等国际顶级学术会议组织的AutoML大赛中,9次荣获国际大奖,6次获得前三名,并荣获第五届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛全国金奖,入选南京大学120周年校庆重点成果展,相关技术已落地应用于华为、奇虎360、中电科等IT企业。


Research Interests

My research interests include Big Data Processing, Automated Machine Learning, Graph Machine Learning, and Intelligent Computing System Optimization. Especially in,



Selected Papers(* Corresponding Author)

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Academic Service

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Current Members (co-adviced with Prof. Yihua Huang)

Alumni (co-adviced with Prof. Yihua Huang)