welcome to my homepage. I am Yang Xianchun, a senior engineer of the
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology at Nanjing
University. Also, I am a faculty member of Computer Department of
the University. |
Among my research interests are parallel computing architecture, distributed systems and networks. I played a major role in dozen of software development projects and published 22 papers. Our scientific results received State
2nd Class Awards for Progress in Science and Technology in 1985, 1986 and 1998, and received the ministerial and provincial awards in 1984, 1985, 1991 and 1996. |
The courses I ever taught cover Digital Logic Circuits, Computer Organization, Microcomputer and Applications, Computer Networks, Data Communications, etc. |

I am a member of the Laboratory Administration Committee of the university and in charge of computer discipline's laboratory construction and management. I am also an associate chair of the Department of Computer Science and Technology. |
I am currently the secretary-generals of some academic bodies in Jiangsu Province, such as the Computer Society, the Micro-computer Application Association, and so on.
I was a vice-chairman of organizing committee of the 8th National Computer Conference for Young Scholars in 2000, and an
organizing co-chair of the National Conference on Open Distributed and Parallel Computing in
2001, |