Welcome to Baowen Xu's Homepage
Baowen Xu received the bachelor's, master's, and PhD degrees in computer science from Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Beihang University in 1982, 1985 and 2002. He is currently a professor with the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University. His major research interests are programming languages, software testing, software maintenance, and software metrics. He has published extensively in premiere software engineering journals and conferences such as TOSEM, TSE, JSS, TR, ICSE, FSE, ICSME, ICST, etc. He is the Fellow of the CCF and the Distinguished Young Scholars of NSFC(2004).
- Ph.D., Computer Science and Technology, Beihang University, September 1998 ~ June 2002
- M.S., Computer Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, February 1982 ~ December 1984
- B.S., Computing Technology, Wuhan University, February 1978 ~ January 1982
Working Experience
- December 2008 ~ present, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, China, Professor, PhD supervisor
- April 1994 ~ December 2008, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China, Professor, PhD supervisor
- August 1986 ~ March 1994, Department of Computer, Nanjing University Of Aeronautics And Astronautics, China, Lecture, Associate Professor
- December 1984 ~ May 1986, China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Research Scientist/Project Leader
Baowen Xu
Office: Rm 701, Computer Science Building, Nanjing University Xianlin Campus
National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology
Nanjing University, Xianlin Campus Mailbox 603
163 Xianlin Avenue, Qixia District
Nanjing 210023, China
Selected Publications
[Google Scholar] [DBLP] [ORCID] [IEEE]
Peng Zhang, Yanhui Li, Wanwangying Ma, Yibiao Yang, Lin Chen, Hongmin Lu, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu. CBUA: A probabilistic, predictive, and practical approach for evaluating test suite effectiveness. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. Accepted.
Weijun Shen, Yanhui Li, Yuanlei Han, Lin Chen, Di Wu, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: Boundary sampling to boost mutation testing for deep learning models. Inf. Softw. Technol. 130: 106413 (2021)
Xiaoyuan Xie, Zhiyi Zhang, Tsong Yueh Chen, Yang Liu, Pak-Lok Poon, Baowen Xu: METTLE: A METamorphic Testing Approach to Assessing and Validating Unsupervised Machine Learning Systems. IEEE Trans. Reliab. 69(4): 1293-1322 (2020)
- Zhaoqiang Guo, Yanhui Li, Wanwangying Ma, Yuming Zhou, Hongmin Lu, Lin Chen, Baowen Xu: Boosting crash-inducing change localization with rank-performance-based feature subset selection. Empir. Softw. Eng. 25(3): 1905-1950 (2020)
- Lin Chen, Di Wu, Wanwangying Ma, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu, Hareton Leung: How C++ Templates Are Used for Generic Programming: An Empirical Study on 50 Open Source Systems. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 29(1): 3:1-3:49 (2020)
- Weiqin Zou, David Lo, Zhenyu Chen, Xin Xia, Yang Feng, Baowen Xu: How Practitioners Perceive Automated Bug Report Management Techniques. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 46(8): 836-862 (2020)
Chuanqi Wang, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen, Wen-Chin Huang, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: Examining the effects of developer familiarity on bug fixing. J. Syst. Softw. 169: 110667 (2020)
Weiqin Zou, Jifeng Xuan, Xiaoyuan Xie, Zhenyu Chen, Baowen Xu: How does code style inconsistency affect pull request integration? An exploratory study on 117 GitHub projects. Empir. Softw. Eng. 24(6): 3871-3903 (2019)
- Zhiqiang Li, Xiao-Yuan Jing, Xiaoke Zhu, Hongyu Zhang, Baowen Xu, Shi Ying: On the Multiple Sources and Privacy Preservation Issues for Heterogeneous Defect Prediction. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 45(4): 391-411 (2019)
- Gongzheng Lu, Lei Xu, Yibiao Yang, Baowen Xu: Predictive analysis for race detection in software-defined networks. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 62(6): 62101:1-62101:20 (2019)
- Jingxuan Tu, Xiaoyuan Xie, Tsong Yueh Chen, Baowen Xu: On the analysis of spectrum based fault localization using hitting sets. J. Syst. Softw. 147: 106-123 (2019)
Zhiqiang Li, Xiao-Yuan Jing, Xiaoke Zhu, Hongyu Zhang, Baowen Xu, Shi Ying: Heterogeneous defect prediction with two-stage ensemble learning. Autom. Softw. Eng. 26(3): 599-651 (2019)
Zhiqiang Li, Xiao-Yuan Jing, Fei Wu, Xiaoke Zhu, Baowen Xu, Shi Ying: Cost-sensitive transfer kernel canonical correlation analysis for heterogeneous defect prediction. Autom. Softw. Eng. 25(2): 201-245 (2018)
- Yuming Zhou, Yibiao Yang, Hongmin Lu, Lin Chen, Yanhui Li, Yangyang Zhao, Junyan Qian, Baowen Xu: How Far We Have Progressed in the Journey? An Examination of Cross-Project Defect Prediction. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 27(1): 1:1-1:51 (2018)
- Zhifei Chen, Lin Chen, Wanwangying Ma, Xiaoyu Zhou, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: Understanding metric-based detectable smells in Python software: A comparative study. Inf. Softw. Technol. 94: 14-29 (2018)
Zhifei Chen, Wanwangying Ma, Wei Lin, Lin Chen, Yanhui Li, Baowen Xu: A study on the changes of dynamic feature code when fixing bugs: towards the benefits and costs of Python dynamic features. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 61(1): 012107:1-012107:18 (2018)
Yangyang Zhao, Yibiao Yang, Hongmin Lu, Jinping Liu, Hareton Leung, Yansong Wu, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: Understanding the value of considering client usage context in package cohesion for fault-proneness prediction. Autom. Softw. Eng. 24(2): 393-453 (2017)
- Yangyang Zhao, Hareton Leung, Yibiao Yang, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: Towards an understanding of change types in bug fixing code. Inf. Softw. Technol. 86: 37-53 (2017)
- Xiao-Yuan Jing, Fei Wu, Xiwei Dong, Baowen Xu: An Improved SDA Based Defect Prediction Framework for Both Within-Project and Cross-Project Class-Imbalance Problems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 43(4): 321-339 (2017)
- Fumin Qi, Xiao-Yuan Jing, Xiaoke Zhu, Xiaoyuan Xie, Baowen Xu, Shi Ying: Software effort estimation based on open source projects: Case study of Github. Inf. Softw. Technol. 92: 145-157 (2017)
Zhiyi Zhang, Zhenyu Chen, Ruizhi Gao, W. Eric Wong, Baowen Xu: An empirical study on constraint optimization techniques for test generation. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 60(1): 12105 (2017)
Qingkai Shi, Jeff Huang, Zhenyu Chen, Baowen Xu: Verifying Synchronization for Atomicity Violation Fixing. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 42(3): 285-301 (2016)
- Qingkai Shi, Zhenyu Chen, Chunrong Fang, Yang Feng, Baowen Xu: Measuring the Diversity of a Test Set With Distance Entropy. IEEE Trans. Reliab. 65(1): 19-27 (2016)
- Qinbao Song, Xiaoyan Zhu, Guangtao Wang, Heli Sun, He Jiang, Chenhao Xue, Baowen Xu, Wei Song: A machine learning based software process model recommendation method. J. Syst. Softw. 118: 85-100 (2016)
- Wanwangying Ma, Lin Chen, Yibiao Yang, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: Empirical analysis of network measures for effort-aware fault-proneness prediction. Inf. Softw. Technol. 69: 50-70 (2016)
- Yibiao Yang, Yangyang Zhao, Changsong Liu, Hongmin Lu, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: An empirical investigation into the effect of slice types on slice-based cohesion metrics. Inf. Softw. Technol. 75: 90-104 (2016)
- Di Wu, Lin Chen, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: An extensive empirical study on C++ concurrency constructs. Inf. Softw. Technol. 76: 1-18 (2016)
Lin Chen, Wanwangying Ma, Yuming Zhou, Lei Xu, Ziyuan Wang, Zhifei Chen, Baowen Xu: Empirical analysis of network measures for predicting high severity software faults. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 59(12): 122901:1-122901:18 (2016)
Yibiao Yang, Yuming Zhou, Hongmin Lu, Lin Chen, Zhenyu Chen, Baowen Xu, Hareton K. N. Leung, Zhenyu Zhang: Are Slice-Based Cohesion Metrics Actually Useful in Effort-Aware Post-Release Fault-Proneness Prediction? An Empirical Study. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 41(4): 331-357 (2015)
- Debiao He, Sherali Zeadally, Baowen Xu, Xinyi Huang: An Efficient Identity-Based Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur. 10(12): 2681-2691 (2015)
- Yangyang Zhao, Yibiao Yang, Hongmin Lu, Yuming Zhou, Qinbao Song, Baowen Xu: An empirical analysis of package-modularization metrics: Implications for software fault-proneness. Inf. Softw. Technol. 57: 186-203 (2015)
Peng Wang, Baowen Xu, Yurong Wu, Xiaoyu Zhou: Link prediction in social networks: the state-of-the-art. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 58(1): 1-38 (2015)
Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu, Hareton Leung, Lin Chen: An in-depth study of the potentially confounding effect of class size in fault prediction. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 23(1): 10:1-10:51 (2014)
- Yuming Zhou, Yibiao Yang, Baowen Xu, Hareton Leung, Xiaoyu Zhou: Source code size estimation approaches for object-oriented systems from UML class diagrams: A comparative study. Inf. Softw. Technol. 56(2): 220-237 (2014)
Lin Chen, Ju Qian, Yuming Zhou, Peng Wang, Baowen Xu: Identifying extract class refactoring opportunities for internetware. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 57(7): 1-18 (2014)
Xiaoyuan Xie, Tsong Yueh Chen, Fei-Ching Kuo, Baowen Xu: A theoretical analysis of the risk evaluation formulas for spectrum-based fault localization. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 22(4): 31:1-31:40 (2013)
- Xiaoyuan Xie, W. Eric Wong, Tsong Yueh Chen, Baowen Xu: Metamorphic slice: An application in spectrum-based fault localization. Inf. Softw. Technol. 55(5): 866-879 (2013)
- Ju Qian, Lin Chen, Baowen Xu: Finding shrink critical section refactoring opportunities for the evolution of concurrent code in trustworthy software. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 56(1): 1-20 (2013)
Dazhou Kang, Baowen Xu, Yanhui Li: A fuzzy extension for SHOIQ based on comparisons between degrees of membership. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 56(8): 1-11 (2013)
Yuming Zhou, Hareton Leung, Qinbao Song, Jianjun Zhao, Hongmin Lu, Lin Chen, Baowen Xu: An in-depth investigation into the relationships between structural metrics and unit testability in object-oriented systems. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 55(12): 2800-2815 (2012)
- Hongmin Lu, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu, Hareton Leung, Lin Chen: The ability of object-oriented metrics to predict change-proneness: a meta-analysis. Empir. Softw. Eng. 17(3): 200-242 (2012)
Chunrong Fang, Zhenyu Chen, Baowen Xu: Comparing logic coverage criteria on test case prioritization. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 55(12): 2826-2840 (2012)
Zhenyu Chen, Tsong Yueh Chen, Baowen Xu: A revisit of fault class hierarchies in general boolean specifications. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 20(3): 13:1-13:11 (2011)
- Xiaoyuan Xie, Joshua Wing Kei Ho, Christian Murphy, Gail E. Kaiser, Baowen Xu, Tsong Yueh Chen: Testing and validating machine learning classifiers by metamorphic testing. J. Syst. Softw. 84(4): 544-558 (2011)
Ju Qian, Lin Chen, Baowen Xu, Xiaofang Zhang: Contribution-based call stack abstraction for call string based pointer analysis. Inf. Softw. Technol. 53(6): 654-665 (2011)
Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu, Hareton Leung: On the ability of complexity metrics to predict fault-prone classes in object-oriented systems. J. Syst. Softw. 83(4): 660-674 (2010)
Yuming Zhou, Hareton K. N. Leung, Baowen Xu: Examining the Potentially Confounding Effect of Class Size on the Associations between Object-Oriented Metrics and Change-Proneness. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 35(5): 607-623 (2009)
Jianmin Wang, Yuming Zhou, Lijie Wen, Yujian Chen, Hongmin Lu, Baowen Xu: DMC: a more precise cohesion measure for classes. Inf. Softw. Technol. 47(3): 167-180 (2005) 2002
Zhenqiang Chen, Baowen Xu, Hongji Yang, Jianjun Zhao: Concurrent Ada dead statements detection. Inf. Softw. Technol. 44(13): 733-741 (2002)
Xincheng He, Lei Xu, Xiangyu Zhang, Rui Hao, Yang Feng, Baowen Xu. PyART: Python API Recommendation in Real-Time. ICSE 2021, Virtual Event, Accepted.
Linghan Meng, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen, Zhi Wang, Di Wu, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu. Measuring Discrimination to Boost Comparative Testing for Multiple Deep Learning Models. ICSE 2021, Virtual Event, Accepted.
Wanwangying Ma, Lin Chen, Xiangyu Zhang, Yang Feng, Zhaogui Xu, Zhifei Chen, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: Impact analysis of cross-project bugs on software ecosystems. ICSE 2020: 100-111
Songqiang Chen, Xiaoyuan Xie, Bangguo Yin, Yuanxiang Ji, Lin Chen, Baowen Xu: Stay Professional and Efficient: Automatically Generate Titles for Your Bug Reports. ASE 2020: 385-397
Weijun Shen, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen, Yuanlei Han, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: Multiple-Boundary Clustering and Prioritization to Promote Neural Network Retraining. ASE 2020: 410-422
Zhifei Chen, Yanhui Li, Bihuan Chen, Wanwangying Ma, Lin Chen, Baowen Xu: An Empirical Study on Dynamic Typing Related Practices in Python Systems. ICPC 2020: 83-93
Yibiao Yang, Yuming Zhou, Hao Sun, Zhendong Su, Zhiqiang Zuo, Lei Xu, Baowen Xu: Hunting for bugs in code coverage tools via randomized differential testing. ICSE 2019: 488-498
Yibiao Yang, Yanyan Jiang, Zhiqiang Zuo, Yang Wang, Hao Sun, Hongmin Lu, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: Automatic Self-Validation for Code Coverage Profilers. ASE 2019: 79-90
Zhaogui Xu, Shiqing Ma, Xiangyu Zhang, Shuofei Zhu, Baowen Xu: Debugging with intelligence via probabilistic inference. ICSE 2018: 1171-1181
Zhifei Chen, Bihuan Chen, Lu Xiao, Xiao Wang, Lin Chen, Yang Liu, Baowen Xu: Speedoo: prioritizing performance optimization opportunities. ICSE 2018: 811-821
Yibin Liu, Yanhui Li, Jianbo Guo, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: Connecting software metrics across versions to predict defects. SANER 2018: 232-243
Wanwangying Ma, Lin Chen, Xiangyu Zhang, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: How do developers fix cross-project correlated bugs?: a case study on the GitHub scientific python ecosystem. ICSE 2017: 381-392
Jinping Liu, Yuming Zhou, Yibiao Yang, Hongmin Lu, Baowen Xu: Code Churn: A Neglected Metric in Effort-Aware Just-in-Time Defect Prediction. ESEM 2017: 11-19
Yi Bin, Kai Zhou, Hongmin Lu, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: Training Data Selection for Cross-Project Defection Prediction: Which Approach Is Better? ESEM 2017: 354-363
Yiyang Feng, Wanwangying Ma, Yibiao Yang, Hongmin Lu, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: An empirical investigation into the cost-effectiveness of test effort allocation strategies for finding faults. SANER 2017: 371-381
Zhaogui Xu, Peng Liu, Xiangyu Zhang, Baowen Xu: Python predictive analysis for bug detection. SIGSOFT FSE 2016: 121-132
Yibiao Yang, Yuming Zhou, Jinping Liu, Yangyang Zhao, Hongmin Lu, Lei Xu, Baowen Xu, Hareton Leung: Effort-aware just-in-time defect prediction: simple unsupervised models could be better than supervised models. SIGSOFT FSE 2016: 157-168
Zhaogui Xu, Xiangyu Zhang, Lin Chen, Kexin Pei, Baowen Xu: Python probabilistic type inference with natural language support. SIGSOFT FSE 2016: 607-618 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Artifact Award
Xiao-Yuan Jing, Fumin Qi, Fei Wu, Baowen Xu: Missing data imputation based on low-rank recovery and semi-supervised regression for software effort estimation. ICSE 2016: 607-618
Xiaoyuan Xie, Zicong Liu, Shuo Song, Zhenyu Chen, Jifeng Xuan, Baowen Xu: Revisit of automatic debugging via human focus-tracking analysis. ICSE 2016: 808-819
Yibiao Yang, Mark Harman, Jens Krinke, Syed S. Islam, David W. Binkley, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: An empirical study on dependence clusters for effort-aware fault-proneness prediction. ASE 2016: 296-307
Wei Lin, Zhifei Chen, Wanwangying Ma, Lin Chen, Lei Xu, Baowen Xu: An Empirical Study on the Characteristics of Python Fine-Grained Source Code Change Types. ICSME 2016: 188-199
Xiao-Yuan Jing, Qian Liu, Fei Wu, Baowen Xu, Yang-Ping Zhu, Songcan Chen: Web Page Classification Based on Uncorrelated Semi-Supervised Intra-View and Inter-View Manifold Discriminant Feature Extraction. IJCAI 2015: 2255-2261
Xiao-Yuan Jing, Xiaoke Zhu, Fei Wu, Xinge You, Qinglong Liu, Dong Yue, Ruimin Hu, Baowen Xu: Super-resolution Person re-identification with semi-coupled low-rank discriminant dictionary learning. CVPR 2015: 695-704
Di Wu, Lin Chen, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: An Empirical Study on C++ Concurrency Constructs. ESEM 2015: 257-266
Peng Wang, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: Matching Large Ontologies Based on Reduction Anchors. IJCAI 2011: 2343-2348
Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu, Jianjun Zhao, Hongji Yang: ICBMC: An Improved Cohesion Measure for Classes. ICSM 2002: 44-53
Zhenqiang Chen, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu, Jianjun Zhao, Hongji Yang: A Novel Approach to Measuring Class Cohesion Based on Dependence Analysis. ICSM 2002: 377-384
Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu: Extracting Objects of Ada Programs Using Module Features. ICSM 1999: 23-
- Baowen Xu, Principle of Advanced Programming Languages (in Chinese), Aviation industry press, 1992 (The first text book for programming languages courses in China Universities)
- Baowen Xu, Weifeng Zhang, Search Engine and Information Retrieval (in Chinese), Tsing Hua University Press, 2003
- Baowen Xu, Yuming Zhou, Hongmin Lu, UML and Software Modeling (in Chinese), Tsing Hua University Press, 2006 (recommended text book for computer science in China Universities)
- Xiaoyuan Xie, Baowen Xu, Essential Spectrum-based Fault Localization (in English), Springer Singapore, 2021
Book Chapter
- Baowen Xu, Xiaoyuan Xie, Liang. Shi, Changhai Nie, Application of Genetic Algorithms in Software Testing. Advances in Machine Learning Application in Software Engineering, pp. 287-317, IGI Global, Feb. 2007.
- Principles of Programming Language
- Program Analysis and Testing
- Software Engineering
- Concurrent Programming
- Software Testing and Automation
- C/C++ Programming Language
- Object-oriented Programming
- Python Programming Language
- Associate editor of Transactions on Reliability (2016 ~ present)
- Member of editorial board of Science China (2006 ~ 2018)
- Member of editorial board of Frontier Computer Science (2007 ~ present)
- Member of editorial board of Journal of Southeast University (2003 ~ present)
- General Chair, IEEE & CCF 12th Web Information Systems and Applications Conference (2015)
- General Chair, Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering (2010)
- General Chair, IEEE & CCF 6th Web Information Systems and Applications Conference (2009)
- General Chair, 10th IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (2004)
- Steering Co-Chairs, IEEE & CCF The Web Information Systems and Applications Conference (2003 ~ Present)
- Workshop Chair, IEEE International Workshop on Web Computing in Cyberworlds (2004, 2005)
- Program Committee Member, IEEE Computer Society Signature Annual International Computer Software and Application Conference (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007)
- Program Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Quality Software (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2011)
Reviewer for Journals
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
- ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
- Journal of Systems and Software
- Information & Software Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Reliability
- Journal of Automated Software Engineering
- Journal of Empirical Software Engineering
Awards and Distinction
- Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, 1st-class, 2015
- Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, 2nd-class, 2013
- Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Award, 1st-class, 2012
- Hubei Provincial Natural Science Award, 2nd-class, 2008
- Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, 1st-class, 2007
- Hubei Provincial Natural Science Award, 2nd-class, 2006
- Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, 1st-class, 2005
- Science and Technology Progress Award by Ministry of Education, China, 2nd-class, 2004
- Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, 2nd-class, 2003
- National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2004, 1,400k CNY
- Trans-Century Training Program Foundation for the Talents by the State Education Commission, 2003, 300k CNY
- Foundation for Excellent Talents by Zhongchuang Software, 2003 (national-level award)
- Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, 3rd-class, 2001
- Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, 2nd-class, 1998
- Jiangsu Provincial Excellent Software, 1998
- Jiangsu Provincial Award for Trans-Century Leaders of Disciplines in Science, 1996
- Distinguished PhD supervisor in Jiangsu Province
Professional Society Membership
- Senior Member of IEEE (2017~Present)
- China Computer Federation (CCF) Fellow (2015 ~ present)
- Member of Panel for Computer Science Division of National Natural Science Foundation in China (2001 ~ present)
- Director of State Key Lab of Software Engineering, Wuhan University (2012 ~ 2017)
- Director of Technical Committee on Office Automation of China Computer Federation (2003 ~ 2015)
- Director of Technical Committee on Information System of China Computer Federation (2016 ~ 2019)
- Honorary Director of Technical Committee on Information System of China Computer Federation (2020 ~ Present,)
- Member of academic committee of Key Lab (Ministry of Education) of High Confidence Software Technologies, Peking University (2004 ~ present)
- Member of academic committee of Shanghai Key Lab of Computer Software Testing and Evaluating (2004 ~ present)
- Member of Academic Committee of Key Laboratory of Computation and Communication Software of Anhui Province (University of Science and Technology of China) (2006 ~ present)
- Member of Academic Committee of Guangxi Key Lab of Trusted Software (2004 ~ present)
- Associate director of Jiangsu Computer Society (2003 ~ present)
- Associate director of Jiangsu Software Industry Association (2003 ~ present)
- Member of Advisory Board under the Ministry of Education in Computer Science and Technology (2005 ~ present)
- Member of Advisory board under the Ministry of Education in Software Engineering (2004 ~ present)
- Council member of Chinese Software Industry Association (2004 ~ present)
- Member of Technical Committee on Software Engineering of China Computer Federation (CCF-TCSE) (2006 ~ present)
- Director of Technical Committee on Office Automation of China Computer Federation (CCF-TCOA) (2006 ~ 2015)
- Member of Technical Committee on Office Automation of China Computer Federation (CCF-TCOA) (2010 ~ present)
Awards of Master and PhD Students
- Peng Wang, Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship, 2004
- Zhenqiang Chen, National Excellent 100 Doctoral Dissertations Award in China (the first award in Software Engineering), 2005
- Yanhui Li, 1st-class Award of Excellent Master Dissertations in Jiangsu Province, 2007
- Dazhou Kang, 1st-class Award of Excellent Master Dissertations in Jiangsu Province, 2009
- Xiaoyuan Xie, 1st-class Award of Excellent Master Dissertations in Jiangsu Province, 2009
- Yuming Zhou China Computer Federation Young Computer Scientist Award, 2010
- Yuming Zhou, Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar in Jiangsu Province, 2013