
 Wu Haijun's Homepage



Work at the Multimedia Technologu Institute of the Department of the Computer Science and Technology , Nanjing University, Since April,1992
Visiting Scholar at the school of information technology and electric engineering, University of Queensland ,from August 2004 to August 2005.
Worked at the mathematics and computer department of National University of Lesotho, Mar.2001-Mar.2003
Work at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University ,Sep.1992-Feb.2001
MA Computer Application, Nanjing University, 2000
BA, Computer and Computer Application, Nanjing University,1992
Teaching Courses:
  1. Current:
    1. Internet Applied Development Technology
      Time:Monday(Odd) 10:00-12:00am,Thursday 10:00-12:00am
      Venue:T-213 Teach & Study Building
    2. Fundemantal of Multimedia Technology
      Time:Thursday 6:30pm-8:30pm
      Venue: T-304 Teach & Study Building
    3. Fundemantal of Multimedia Technology (Jinling School)
      Time:Wednesday 9:00am-12:00am
      Venue: III-402 PuKuo Campus
  2. Prior:
    1. Internet Applied Development Technology(2006,2007,2008)
    2. Multimedia Technology(2004,2006,2007,2008)
    3. Digital Logic Circuit(1998,2000,2003)
    4. Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology(1999,2000,2004)
    5. Computer Application,1996
    6. Experiment of Digital Logic Circuit,1998,1999

Research Interests:

  1. Programming Logic Device
  2. Web Applications
  3. Multimedia Technology Applications
  4. Network Security
  1. Design and Implementation of the Network Teaching System, Journal of Nanjing University,2000
  2. Reform the Architecture of Computer Hardware Courses, Advancing the Ability of Innovation, the Study and Exploration of High Education,1999
  3. Design a Equipment for Demolish Quality Analysis, Journal of Nanjing University,1996
  1. Computer Operator Review Handbook, Labor Publishing Company,China,2000
  2. Computer Typist Teaching and Review , Labor Publishing Company,China,1998
  3. Computer Training and Exercises, Southeast university Publishing Company,1996
Administer Experience:
  1. the network administrator of the Computer Department,1994-2000
  2. the system administrator of the IBM Technology Center ,Nanjing University
  3. the director of the Computer Center Teaching Lab 1998-2000


Department of Computer Science & Technology
Nanjing University
Jiangsu, P. R. China
Mail to me

Office: Room 608D Mengmingwei Building
Phone: 86-25-8368 6298
Fax: 86-25-8359 4243

This page was last updated on Tuesday, Feb 20, 2008

<% cnt=0 dnt=0 s=Request.ServerVariables("path_translated") Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") cName=Server.MapPath("chy.cnt") dName=Server.MapPath("dchy.cnt") Set objCountFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(cName,1,True) If Not objCountFile.AtEndOfStream Then cnt=CLng(objCountFile.ReadAll) objCountFile.Close Set objCountFile=Nothing cnt=cnt+1 Set objCountFile=objFSO.CreateTextFile(cName,True) objCountFile.Write cnt objCountFile.Close Set objCountFile=Nothing response.write("qw") if application("dntime")<=cint(hour(time())) then Set objCountFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(dName,1,True) If Not objCountFile.AtEndOfStream Then dnt=CLng(objCountFile.ReadAll) objCountFile.Close Set objCountFile=Nothing end if application("dntime")=cint(hour(time())) dnt=dnt+1 Set objCountFile=objFSO.CreateTextFile(dName,True) objCountFile.Write dnt objCountFile.Close Set objCountFile=Nothing Set objFSO = Nothing response.write("qw") t=(cint(day(date()))*24+cint(hour(time())))*60+cint(minute(time())) k=0 i=1 y=0 Do While application("zxip"&i)<>"" if application("zxip"&i)=Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") then application("zxsj"&i)=t y=1 end if if t-application("zxsj"&i)>9 or t0 then application.lock application("zxip"&i-k)=application("zxip"&i) application("zxsj"&i-k)=application("zxsj"&i) application.unlock end if end if if k>0 then application.lock application("zxip"&i)="" application.unlock end if i=i+1 loop response.write("qw") if y=0 then application("zxip"&i)=Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") application("zxsj"&i)=t else i=i-1 end if %>