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Liang Wang is currently an associate professor in the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Computer Science (前沿交叉中心, CIC), Institute of Computer Software (计算机软件研究所, ICS), State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Department of Computer Science and Technology in Nanjing University. Before he joined ICS, he received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Technology in Nanjing University in 2007 and 2014, respectively.

His research interests include: Collective Intelligence, Open Source Software, Computer System Education, Activity and Emotion Recognition, and Pervasive Computing.

He is a member of the CCF, and a co-founder of the OSS Compass Community.


We are always looking for self-motivated students. Send me emails if you are interested in joining us.


²  2023. 由刘政、祖小岚、罗星宇、王子杭等同学开发的基于OSS Compass指标预测开源项目活跃度的方法已经发布在OSS Compass协作板块,欢迎大家前来体验

²  2023. 我们基于二次熵的开源副本(forks)多样性度量方法发表于软件工程领域CCF A类会议ASE

²  2022. 由南京大学软件研究所,前沿交叉中心共同的指导的团队本科毕业设计(潘安杰、朱倩、周清远、周昊棣),获得南京大学本科毕业设计团队一等奖

²  2022. 我们基于信息熵的社区演化度量方法发表于软件工程领域CCF A类会议ESEC/FSE

Research & Publications

Recently, we have been working on understanding and measuring the collaborative development of open source software (OSS) projects using entropy and information theory. Our work on quantifying the evolution of social communities in OSS projects with indices developed from information entropy is published in FSE 2022:

n  Liang Wang, Ying Li, Jierui Zhang, and Xianping Tao. QuantifyingCommunity Evolution in Developer Social Networks. InProceedings of the30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposiumon the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 22), November 1418, 2022, Singapore, Singapore. CCF-A.

We propose an approach to measure the diversity of an OSS project’s forks with the Rao’s quadratic entropy, which is published in ASE 2023:

n  Liang Wang, Zhiwen Zheng, Xiangchen Wu, Baihui Sang, Jierui Zhang, and Xianping Tao. 2023. Fork Entropy: Assessing the Diversity of Open Source Software Projects Forks. In 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023).

We also conduct research on understanding the emotions during computer programming:

n  Yuqian Zhuang, Liang Wang, Mingya Zhang, Shan Lin, Hao Hu, and Xianping Tao. OPTES: A Tool for Behavior-based Student Programming Progress Estimation. CompSac 2023.

Large swarms of UAVs is another case of large-scale, machine-based collective intelligence, compared to the global-scale human collective intelligence emerges from the cooperation around OSS projects. We have conducted research on enabling technologies of collective intelligence for UAVs using reinforcement learning and AI technologies:

n  王文, 汪亮, 吴俊锋, 陶先平, 胡昊. 基于策略多样性指标的无人机群智系统激发-汇聚程度度量方法研究. 中国科学: 技术科学, 2022.

Refer to the research & publication page for more information.


Teaching & Mentoring

I have been teaching the Programming Assignment (PA) part of the course Introduction to Computer Systems (ICS) since 2014.


Room 819

Department of Computer Science and Technology

Nanjing University Xianlin Campus

Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, P.R. China.


Email: [email protected]