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Chen Tian
Professor Ph.D Advisor 国家杰出青年基金获得者 State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University. Email: tianchen AT nju DOT edu DOT cn Mailing address: Mailbox H008, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, No.163 Xianlin Avenue, Nanjing, China, 210023 |
Current Research Interests
Datacenter networking
Distributed systems (especially machine learning systems and graph processing systems)
Internet protocols
Prospective Students
I am looking for organized, motivated Students and Postdocs to work on a variety of exciting topics. We welcome candidates with solid background and strong interests in distributed systems. Capability of mathematical modeling/analysis and solid programming skills are even better. Please contact me by email with your CV.
[2024.12] Paper: One paper accepted by INFOCOM 2025.
[2024.11] Paper: Zibo's paper accepted by ASPLOS 2025.
[2024.11] Paper: Louvain accepted by PPoPP 2025.
[2024.10] Paper: TCC accepted by TON.
[2024.08] Paper: BifrostX accepted by TON.
[2024.07] Paper: Pyrrha and P4RTC accepted by NSDI 2025.
[2024.05] Paper: μMon accepted by SIGCOMM 2024.
[2024.04] Paper: Butterfly Counting accepted by VLDBJ.
[2023.12] Service: I serve as the general chair of APNet 2024.
[2023.09] Paper: Unison accepted by Eurosys 2024.
[2023.08] Award: SMOG wins the champion of IEEE HPEC Graph Challenge.
[2023.07] Paper: Bifrost and MC-RDMA accepted by ICNP 2023.
[2023.04] Paper: GLogS accepted by ATC 2023.
[2023.03] Paper: Flor accepted by OSDI 2023.
[2022.12] Paper: Norma accepted by NSDI 2023.
[2022.12] Paper: Gemini and CLIP accepted by INFOCOM 2023.
[2022.10] Paper: SWING accepted by TPDS.
[2022.08] Paper: Zhibin's butterfly counting paper accepted by SIGMOD 2023.
[2022.08] Paper: PayDebt accepted by TPDS.
[2022.06] Paper: PushBox accepted by TPDS.
[2022.06] Paper: One WSN paper accepted by JCST.
[2022.05] Paper: FlyMon accepted by SIGCOMM 2022.
[2022.04] Paper: SMART accepted by JCST.
[2022.04] Paper: Lilac accepted by ISCC.
[2022.03] Paper: MEET accepted by TPDS.
[2022.02] Paper: One RDMA paper accepted by JCST.
[2021.12] Paper: WAN Redundancy Elimination work accepted by INFOCOM 2022.
[2021.10] Paper: Floodgate accepted by CoNEXT 2021.
[2021.08] Paper: A survey of network measurement accepted by TSC.
[2021.06] Award: I am nominated as "华为中央研究院2020年度最佳合作教授".
[2021.05] Paper: Aquila accepted by SIGCOMM 2021.
[2021.04] Paper: CLEAN accepted by IWQoS 2021 as a short paper.
[2021.02] Paper: TRUST accepted by TPDS.
[2021.01] Paper: Papers accepted by TC/JPDC.
[2020.12] Paper: Papers accepted by TON/TMC.
[2020.11] Award: I am awarded "2020年度CCF分布式计算与系统专委会青年创新奖", only 2 winners each year.
[2020.07] Student: Bingchuan is awarded "Person of the year 2019" (南京大学学生年度人物), only 10 winners in Nanjing University each year.
[2020.07] Paper: Our RDMA practise paper with Pangu team of Alibaba accepted by NSDI 2021.
[2020.05] Student: Congratulation to Changrong's UCLA PhD offer!
[2020.05] Student: Congratulation to Yuanqing's PSU PhD offer!
[2020.04] Paper: Proteus accepted by IWQoS 2020.
[2020.01] Service: I serve as a TPC member of ICNP/APNet/ICCCN 2020 committee.
[2020.01] Paper: P-PFC accepted by TPDS.
[2019.12] Paper: TOP accepted by TPDS.
[2019.11] Paper: One Paper accepted by JSAC.
[2019.10] Paper: One Paper accepted by TMC.
[2019.08] Service: I was intived to do Topic Preview for SIGCOMM 2019.
[2019.06] Paper: Two papers accepted by ICCCN 2019.
[2019.05] Paper: Jinjing accepted by SIGCOMM 2019.
[2019.04] Paper: Plutus accepted by IWQoS 2019.
[2019.03] Paper: Chronicle accepted by JSAC.
[2018.12] Service: I serve as a TPC member of 2nd NetAI Workshop of SIGCOMM 2019.
[2018.12] Service: I serve as the sponsorship co-chair of APNet 2019 committee.
[2018.11] Paper: Trinity accepted by TCC.
[2018.11] Paper: CHASE accepted by TMC.
[2018.07] Paper: Three papers accepted by ICNP 2018.
[2018.07] Paper: One paper accepted by Ubicomp 2018.
[2018.06] Paper: A short version of Macroflow would appear in APNET 2018.
[2018.04] Paper: OpenFunction accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON).
[2018.04] Paper: FPGA-Pooling accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS).
[2018.04] Student: Congratulation to Yuchen's Brown PhD offer!
[2018.03] Paper: Two papers accepted by ICDCS 2018.
[2018.01] Paper: UKSM accepted by FAST 2018, first from NJU.
[2017.12] Service: I serve as the PC co-chair for the NetAI Workshop of SIGCOMM 2018, submit your work please!
[2017.11] Paper: Two papers accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2018.
[2017.11] Service: I serve as the sponsorship co-chair of APNet 2018 committee.
[2017.10] Paper: CoolConferencing accepted by IEEE Access.
[2017.09] Paper: IBCube accepted by IJWSR.
[2017.08] Funding: One NSFC project for datacenter network slicing approved.
[2017.06] Funding: One national project for 5G network slicing approved.
[2017.05] Award: Best-in-session presentation award in IEEE INFOCOM 2017.
[2017.05] Paper: Container networking measurement accepted by HotConNet 2017.
[2017.04] Paper: Xu' paper accepted by Transactions on Multimedia (TMM).
[2017.03] Paper: Jun' paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS).
[2017.03] Paper: Yi's NDN paper accepted by SIGCOMM China Symposium 2017.
[2017.03] Paper: Zhiyong's paper accepted by IEEE BigDataService 2017.
[2017.03] Paper: Marlin accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS).
[2017.02] Service: I will serve as one of the co-chairs of APNet 2017 Poster committee.
[2017.01] Paper: PIAS accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON).
[2016.11] Paper: MT-MO accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2017.
[2016.08] Paper: Tentacle accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS).
[2016.07] Paper: OpenFunction and Macroflow accepted by IEEE ICNP 2016 as posters.
[2016.07] Paper: Amoeba accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON).
[2016.06] Paper: A metro system big data paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS).
[2016.04] Student: Congratulation to Junhua's UNC PhD offer!
[2016.04] Student: Congratulation to Yingtong's UCI PhD offer!
[2016.03] Paper: An electronic vehicle big data paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS).
[2016.02] Career: I have moved to Nanjing University.
[2015.11] Paper: Trinity accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2016.
[2015.08] Paper: A P2P bandwidth allocation paper accepted by Computer Networks.
[2015.04] Student: Congratulation to Hanzi's TAMU PhD offer!
[2015.03] Paper: A clouded VoD paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC).
[2015.02] Paper: A metro big data paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT).
[2015.01] Paper: Amoeba accepted by ACM EuroSys 2015.
[2014.12] Paper: PIAS accepted by USENIX NSDI 2015.
[2014.11] Paper: RAPIER accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2015.
[2014.10] Paper: 2 Papers accepted by IEEE UIC and its workshop USDE.
[2014.09] Paper: PIAS accepted by ACM Hotnets 2014.
[2014.08] Paper: 2 Papers accepted by International Journal of Web Service Research.
[2014.07] Paper: 5 Papers accepted by IEEE ITSC 2014.
[2014.06] Paper: 1 paper accepted by Internet Conference of China (CCF ICoC 2014).
[2014.02] Student: Congratulation to Tianlong's CMU PhD offer!
[2013.08] Misc: First version of new homepage online.